Privacy Policy

This website does not contain any tracking code. It does not record your personal information, and will never ask for it.

The server that this website runs on logs certain information about your connection (your IP address), your browser (its user agent string, which may include browser name and version, operating system, and other details), and which pages are visited (from your current browser and IP address). These logs are retained for a maximum of 10 days. This information is used exclusively to detect and prevent attacks, intrusion attempts and other forms of abuse. It cannot be associated with a specific person.

Cookies used

  • adult_ok: Stores user preference for adult content. This cookie is only present if you have accepted or rejected adult content through a content warning screen.
    Lifetime: 1 year after accepting or rejecting adult content


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Arimah, the website’s developer.