Ready for Service

Ready for Service

August, 2020

Though Synths rarely wear clothes, Tych0 is required by his employer, ISSAR (InterStellar Search and Rescue) to wear his while on duty.

Obviously removed when undertaking a spacewalk, this is what he is expected to wear when walking around the ship he serves on, the SARV Wakatsuki.

It consists of a fitted softshell jacket, with patches showing his rank (in this case: SAROps Specialist) and a pair of shorts designed to be worn by Synth crew. The shorts are designed to allow full movement, without interfering with any joints or getting in the way.

This is officially a reference for his uniform and a commission I got from the amazing Obelys, who was every bit as brilliant to work with as I had been told.

Artist: Obelys

This picture is copyright © Obelys, 2020. Reproduced with permission.